life of a liquidator

Friday, October 21, 2005

Katrina...Makeover 101

I haven't been able to post for several weeks. First and formost, I'd like to take this opportunity to offer heartfelt empathy to everyone affected by Katrina. We are all in a state of transition and are seeking to rebuild are personal and business lives. When I last posted I expected, as in the past, to be away for a couple of days then return to the life I once knew. Within a few short hours that changed. The store that once exuded verve is now filled with mold and strewn debris. I've included some pics of the store after the storm. To all of our loyal customers I'm not sure when or if there will be a grand re-opening but we'll keep you posted. Please leave comments if you want to get in touch with us.


  • i doubt any of you guys will know who i am, but my names layla and ive been a shopper at ual for a while. im super tall and have a hard time finding pants anywhere but at ual, so you guys have pretty much saved me from a life of shorts, capris and skirts. i was pretty curious about how you guys fared and i even had a bit of hope that you guys would be open (i reallyreally need some new clothes, it was all at my new orleans apartment) so i passed by the store yesterday. im really sorry that you guys were hit so hard, but im optimistic that youll be up and running one day! take care!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:23 PM  

  • i doubt any of you guys will know who i am, but my names layla and ive been a shopper at ual for a while. im super tall and have a hard time finding pants anywhere but at ual, so you guys have pretty much saved me from a life of shorts, capris and skirts. i was pretty curious about how you guys fared and i even had a bit of hope that you guys would be open (i reallyreally need some new clothes, it was all at my new orleans apartment) so i passed by the store yesterday. im really sorry that you guys were hit so hard, but im optimistic that youll be up and running one day! take care!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:24 PM  

  • Hi Samantha UAL,
    I hope you guyz are able to rebuild, UAL was such a cool store. I miss the great brands such as Development by Philip Lim. It was such a great deal, I have found some cool stores in Austin, but none can compare. If you guyz can't rebuild there you should come out here. This is such a great place and I think a UAL out here would rule! There are so many young people that are UAL costumers. There is a really cool store here called FactoryPeople, they have great stuff. They had development and I immediately missed the store. I hope you can rebuild, UAl was such a great treasure.
    Good Luck,

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:24 PM  

  • Hi Samantha!

    Just wanted to send you some well wishes from Austin. I am glad that you made it out of town with at least one pair of pradas! Hopefully, you have been able to go home and rescue the rest of your other fabulous lovelies (shoes). Anyway, I just wanted to send you a hug. I know you guys have a lot of hard work ahead. I wish you all the best.

    Relocated to Austin
    "Hook'em Horns!"
    haha just kidding

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:46 AM  

  • good luck with the rebuilding efforts! i am a loyal shopper at UAL and would be devastated if you didn't reopen, so please please do! if not, we'd love to have you here in BR! =)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:57 AM  

  • where is UAL! what about the thanksgiving sale!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:50 PM  

  • You can still shop with us at 1829 Hardy Street, Hattiesburg, Mississippi 39401 601-582-5141.

    We'll keep you posted on future UAL stores.

    Thanks for shopping with us!!

    By Blogger life of a liquidator, at 2:11 PM  

  • can I order online?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:26 AM  

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